Friday, July 27, 2007

Coming to Casper!

Celebrating our Common Heritage

This is the place to get late-breaking information about the 2008 International Germans from Russia Convention scheduled for July 28 - August 3, 2008. The event is sponsored jointly by the Germans from Russia Heritage Society (GRHS) based in Bismarck, North Dakota, and the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (AHSGR) which is headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Casper, Wyoming will provide the backdrop for this gathering, the first-ever joint convention of the two societies. Events will take place at the Parkway Plaza Hotel & Convention Center in Casper and program plans are already well underway for this historic gathering.

The Convention Planning Committee, co-chaired by Patti Sellenrick for AHSGR and Al Feist for GRHS, has already met three times - twice in Casper and once in Bismarck, North Dakota, which is headquarters for GRHS. Convention committees are comprised and co-chaired by members from both organizations, and this blending is already creating considerable excitement and anticipation.

"Celebrating Our Common Heritage" will serve as a theme for the convention, and further details will be posted on both the
AHSGR and GRHS web sites and in future newsletters. Announcements about the 2008 convention in Casper were unveiled during the 2007 AHSGR convention in Hays and the GRHS convention in Bismarck.

We welcome comments and input from society members and others!

Mark your calendars now and plan to attend the joint AHSGR / GRHS 2008 Convention July 28th - August 3rd in Casper, Wyoming, where we'll be "Celebrating our Common Heritage"!


Anonymous said...

Great Beginning, Larry!

roadrunner said...

Lucky for me Casper is only 120 miles from my home.

Anonymous said...

Cool. I live in Greeley, CO. Not too far for me to go.